
Discover, monitor and counter threats from
all forms of online manipulation in real time using AI

Selected Clients

  • Customers Bancorp
  • US Depart of State
  • DT Global
  • Thomson Reuters Foundation
  • US Aid
  • Trust Lab
  • Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

AI powered social media
threat monitoring for:

  • Financial Institutions
  • Corporate Comms Leaders
  • Risk Professionals
  • Monitoring Teams
  • Crisis/Reputation Management
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Brands / PR

Protect your organisation
from risks like:

Disinformation-fueled short seller attacks hitting stock price

on average spent on social media tools that can’t detect threats
of revenue on spent on PR/comms. Large companies 1%-2%
in market value lost by listed US companies due to disinformation attacks - Bloomberg

Ariadne: Your One Stop Solution

The power to analyse and predict

  • Narrative Tracking - Monitor all the talking points.
  • Sentiment Monitoring - How are people reacting?
  • Sector Analysis - Understand the bigger picture.
  • Earnings Report Analysis - Control the reaction.
  • Liquidity Risk Detection - Predict future risks.

Advanced insights at your fingertips

  • Personal AI Assistant - Providing personalised support.
  • Dashboard - Insights empowering proactive decisions.
  • Daily Summary - Concise daily reports.
  • Email Alerts - Timely alerts to keep you informed of critical developments.

Get the right support when you need it

  • Narrative Investigation - In-depth analysis of narratives and themes to uncover patterns.
  • Crisis Response Assistance - Rapid support and guidance during crisis situations to minimise impact.
  • OSINT - open-source intelligence for takedowns and attribution.
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Media Mentions

  • New York Times
  • The Economist
  • Bloomberg
  • The Guardian
  • The Daily Mail
  • Reuters
  • BBC
Daily Summary
Actionable Insights
Email Alerts
AI Assistant
Deepfake Detection
Advanced Narrative Tracking
Share Price Manipulation Alerts
Directed Brand Attack Alerts
Sector Wide Contagion Monitoring
Bot Monitoring
Advanced Sentiment Analysis
News Article Monitoring



Starting at £250 / month


  • Track online news media and mentions
  • See key trends in news narratives
  • Understand sentiment output of news media output
  • Track competing narratives
  • Stay informed via email alerts

*two-weeks free trial

Most Popular


Starting at £750 / month


  • All base tier features
  • Stay informed via a daily summary and threat alerts via email, Slack etc
  • Interrogate social and news media data via an AI assistant
  • Track your own and competing narratives
  • Understand sentiment of the audience
  • Detect and monitor inauthentic activity
  • Predict how your messaging will perform via our AI
  • Detect and respond to building attacks

*two-weeks free trial


Contact us for Custom Pricing

  • All professional features
  • Investigate source of hostile activity via OSINT support
  • Generate evidence for legal action
  • Support on engaging social media platforms for take downs

*two-weeks free trial